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Mon. - Thu. 08:00 to 17:00 | Fri. 08:00 to 14:00
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Dr. Neubauer talking to patients

Prostate Cancer

What is it?

The most common type of cancer in men

Das Prostatakarzinom ist ein bösartiger Tumor der Vorsteherdrüse (Prostata) und die häufigste Krebserkrankung beim Mann. Im Jahr 2022 wurde bei mehr als 74.000 Männern in Deutschland ein Prostatakarzinom neu diagnostiziert. Auch wenn die Ursachen für die Entstehung und den Verlauf weitgehend unbekannt sind, gibt es bestimmte Faktoren, die das Risiko nachweislich erhöhen. Dazu gehören vor allem ein fortgeschrittenes Lebensalter und eine familiäre Veranlagung. Ein Prostatakarzinom verursacht im Frühstadium selten Beschwerden und wird daher ohne regelmäßige Vorsorgeuntersuchungen oft erst in späteren Stadien entdeckt. Mehr Informationen über die Entstehung, Ursachen und Symptome eines Prostatakarzinoms, finden Sie auch in unserem Video.


The sooner the better

The chances of a cure for prostate cancer are higher the earlier the disease is detected. Through targeted screening, over 70 percent of prostate cancers can be detected at an early stage and cured through appropriate therapy. Once a year, every man over the age of 45 should have a cancer screening examination by a urologist. If there are relatives who have already been affected by prostate cancer, annual screening is recommended from the age of 40. More information on screening and early detection of prostate cancer can be found in our video.


Safely diagnose prostate cancer

If prostate cancer is suspected from the screening examinations, a tissue sample (prostate biopsy) is usually required to confirm the diagnosis. Precise determination of the size, spread and malignancy of the prostate tumor is crucial for optimal therapy planning. The West German Prostate Center at the KLINIK am RING performs the sampling with the modern and very precise technique of MRI-assisted prostate biopsy (fusion biopsy). Areas that have been identified as "tumor-suspicious" in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are biopsied with pinpoint accuracy in the subsequent tissue sampling. At the West German Prostate Center, we usually perform the biopsy perineally through the patient's perineum(perineal biopsy), but in individual cases we can also take samples transrectally through the rectum(transrectal biopsy).


Therapy options for prostate carcinoma

For most men and their relatives, the diagnosis of prostate cancer initially comes as a great shock. Many questions now assail the person affected: What is the chance of getting well again? Which treatment method is right for me? Will I become incontinent now? Do I have to fear losses in my sexuality? It is important to remain calm in this "exceptional situation" and to obtain comprehensive information. Today, a diagnosis of prostate cancer is no longer a death sentence.

If the disease is detected in time by means of PSA testing, ultrasound and palpation, it is curable in the vast majority of cases. At the same time, the treatment options for prostate cancer have developed rapidly in recent decades, so that a large number of well-tested and effective treatment methods are now available. Minimally invasive and gentle treatment techniques such as brachytherapy can not only achieve excellent and superior cure rates, but at the same time preserve a high quality of life.


Do only older men suffer from prostate cancer?
Does a constant urge to urinate and a weak urine stream indicate prostate cancer?
My father died of prostate cancer. Will I also get it as a son?
How often should you go for urological screening?
How important is the PSA test for early detection of prostate cancer?
Does a PSA level above four automatically mean prostate cancer?
Can prostate cancer be diagnosed using imaging techniques?
What is the significance of the classification of the tumor into T,N and M?
What does the Gleason score mean?
Negative biopsy, still elevated PSA level - What's next?
What is the best therapy for a localized tumor of the prostate?
Is the tumor gone after surgery?
Which treatment offers the best chance of cure for advanced prostate cancer?
What does Active Surveillance mean?
Is it true that men over 75 should not be treated?
How is prostate cancer that has already spread treated?

Ten misconceptions about prostate cancer treatment

Surgery, radiation or just wait and see? There is hardly any other type of cancer where there are so many misunderstandings, prejudices and misinformation as in the treatment of prostate cancer. With the "10 Misconceptions about the Treatment of Prostate Cancer", the West German Prostate Center would like to eliminate knowledge deficits and contribute to a better education of men.